
June 23, 2015

Easy Ghetto Tubeless!

It's not a problem for me to make an ordinary (non-TLR/UST) wheel tubeless. I've taken old fire extinguisher and have made an air compressor with it. I just pump it with 6-8bars of air using ordinary air pump and then I can easily make tubeless any tire on any rim with the help of this compressor and a sealant. I use BMX (20") tyre as a rim tape and Stan's Notubes sealant. This combo works mostly with each rim and tyre.

June 18, 2015

My Road Singlespeed Bike in Audax Mode

At the 17th of may 2015 I've rode 215km on my Road Singlespeed bike in 10h 20min. It was the "Girvassky Brevet 200". Unfortunataly I've broken my chain in the first kilometer of the ride that's why I've lost 40 minutes of time coming back home for the new chain, and  my brevet was lengthened to 215km. This was my first audax ride ever. I didn't expect to face so many problems, but I've made it! The weather was cold and rainy all the day. Due to broken chain, I had to ride all the distance alone. The first 100km I was fighting with a rain and a wind. The second part of the ride was more comfortable. My gear ratio 39/16 was good for average speed of 25-28km/h. This is a comfortable speed for riding in a group or in a good weather conditions, but my average speed was 23km/h that day, and my cadence was lower than I expected, that's why my knees and steps had got a very big stress during this brevet. I've made 200km and I'm not gonna try it again soon.
I've rode 200km in 9h 40min, alone, in cold, rainy and windy weather, on a singlespeed. I think it is a rather good result. I can do less than 9h, but only in good weather conditions and in a group of cyclists.

This is my bike in audax mode: